Veterans Day is a really big deal in this area. It is nice to know it is not just an odd thing squeezed between Halloween and Christmas. The local high school sponsors a big assembly to which any veterans in the community are invited and honored. In addition to music by the choir and band, a 21 gun salute is performed by a local veterans group.

The honored guests...the veterans...were invited to sit according to which branch of the service they were or are in. While the band played the songs associated with each branch of the service were played, vets who served in the various branches stood to be honored while their song was played. Some stood for more than one song. One, whom I know well, stood for Army, Navy AND Marines.

Our family had 2 representatives at the assembly.

In honor of some of the vets from my family I decided to post some of their pictures.

Here is my grandfather, Ernest, who served in California and France during World War I. He is the fellow on the right.

Next is my father, Verlin, who served during World War II in the states and also Guam.

Third is my husband the woodworker during the time he was a Marine. He served in Vietnam. Later he served in the 'Cold War' in the Navy Reserve and the Army National Guard.

Last is my son-in-law, Ron, who is currently serving. He spent some time in Afghanistan. He is the bearded fellow in the center of the bottom picture.

Thank you to those who serve.
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