Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sometimes I just feel old.

Back when we lived in Alaska, I went to the doctor one day. She asked if it would be okay for a medical student to observe our visit....and then mentioned his name. I was shocked! He was a kid!...a friend of Blaine's whom we had driven home several times. (It was NOT okay!)

Our neighbors in Wasilla used to complain loudly about any bonds to build new schools. They had no children and felt it was so unfair that they should have to pay to build new schools. I remember pointing out to them that someone had paid for THEIR education. What's more, I thought it prudent to be sure the children had a decent education, as when we are older, those same children will be our doctors, our lawyers, etc.

For years it has been a family joke that if you have a computer problem, just call the neighborhood junior high kid to fix it.

Today was a similar story. Our dryer hasn't been working well. We have to run it twice to get a load of clothes dry. We have just put up with it for quite a while, but finally decided to bite the bullet and have it looked at. This morning the doorbell rang. It was the repairman. I feel very certain that he couldn't be a day over 15. Okay, maybe 16 since he was driving a truck. I wanted to ask him if his daddy helped him learn how to fix dryers!

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