Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Two Little Girls

Many, many years ago, two little girls, Nancy and Linda,  came to live with their families on Adams Street.  They were the only little girls on the street, so of course, they were destined to be friends.  They played in each other's yards.  They sometimes ate lunch together.  When they were old enough to go to school, they started kindergarten together since their birthdays were just a month apart.



When they were 6 or 7 years old, Linda's parents, who were avid square dancers, organized a square dancing group for all the kids in the neighborhood and taught them to square dance.

Then, when the girls were about 7 or 8 years old, Nancy's family moved away.  They thought they would never see each other again.

In high school, the girls found out they were attending the same school, so they had a year of school together, but their only common class was band.  Then Linda's family moved to another town.  They thought they would never see each other again.

In the meantime, life happened, until one day, they found each other on facebook.  They lived about 2000 miles apart.  They thought they would never see each other again.

Then, Linda, an avid RVer, decided to take a trip for a reunion and to spend the winter in a warmer climate.  She discovered that her route took her near Nancy's home, so one day she stopped by!

                                                                 Linda and Nancy

They spent several days reliving old memories and reconnecting.

Now, thanks to facebook, they think it is just possible they will see each other again.

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