Anyone who knows the woodworker, knows how he loves to play with words. Back in West Virginia, we found these old planes. As he is always looking for old woodworking tools he had to stop and look a while. Then he became enamored of the idea of using an old wood plane, made of vintage wood, of course, to carve a picture of pioneers crossing the plains, but turned it into a play on words with pioneers crossing the plane.

From there he went on to other subjects. To make a picture on a plane requires a scene of specific proportions. Panoramic views seem to work the best, due to their wide, short format.
This scene is based on the Teton Mountains.

One Saturday we decided we'd take a trip to Promontory, Utah, where they do a re-enactment of the 'Meeting of the Rails' during the summer. So, now we have trains crossing the plain...I mean plane.

A year or so ago we visited the Steamship Arabia exhibit in Kansas City. That was the inspiration for this steamship.

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