Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm not Linda!

Years ago, there was an old country song that started with the words,
"I'm not Lisa, my name is Julie"

It came to my mind this morning as I was driving home. I think I do not have a memorable name. A lot of people forget it. I can live with that. I have the same problem remembering names and faces sometimes. What is odd to me is that when people forget my name, it seems reasonable to think they'd call my by a variety of other names. That is not the case! So when I was exercising this morning, this was the conversation:

"So, Linda, how are you today?"
"It's Nancy"
"How is your workout going?"

Then as I left, she merrily called out, "Good-bye, Linda!"

When we lived in Alaska, I assumed that people called me Linda because there was a Linda in town with the same last name, so it sounded right to them. There is no Linda around here with my same last name, and yet, if I am mistakenly called the wrong name, it is always Linda. What are the chances of that happening?

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