Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Good Deal

A good deal is one in which both parties end up happy, right? When we were at an event called Art on the Lawn, the painting below caught my eye. (The color in this picture of it doesn't do it justice.) The artist is a man named Trent Gudmundsen. He's the same one who did the large mural inside the welcome center at the AWHC. In the course of discussing the painting and its cost, the word 'trade' was mentioned. As it turned out, the previous weekend, at the Summerfest event, he and his wife had been admiring one of Roger's boxes, and so the deal was made. He got to surprise his wife with a box she had wanted, and we got this painting, which I a painting, but also because it was clearly painted at the AWHC. I have hung clothes on that very clothesline when showing school groups how laundry was done in 1917. When Roger has time, He'll create a frame for it. I am thinking some sort of grayish weathered wood might look sort of match the fence in the picture.

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