Admittance to the rendezvous was $4 a person unless dressed in period (1825-1840) clothing, so lots of folks were dressed up which added to the ambiance. In actuality, I thought some folks' standards of period clothing left something to be desired. The only rule I actually saw said no jeans and no sneakers. These fellows, however, seemed pretty authentic!

There were many folks there just camping and taking part in various activities as well as a rather extensive traders alley.

Dogs were allowed on a leash, but this lady I thought, took things a bit far...

For my favorite shrub maker, I especially took this picture:

The grounds also include a permanent museum with a nice exhibit. Since we often have occasion to tell people about handcarts used in crossing the plains, it was interesting to see the cart they have there in the museum, fully loaded.

All in all, it made for an interesting day trip.
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