Every year, about the 2nd weekend of September is the annual Peach Days celebration. For a small town, it is a big event. This year was especially noteworthy as the parade was held on 9/11...the anniversary of the tragic events at the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania. The flags in and around the parade were a reminder of how our lives have changed.

There is always a display made of various fruits and veggies, but featuring peaches, of course!

The parade lasted nearly 2 hours!

Honor was paid to members of our military. Sadly, we were too late for the first 20 or so entries in the parade where the current military folks marched.

Judging from the number of people riding the floats, it is a wonder there was anyone left to watch the parade, but the sidewalks were filled with parade watchers.

The local politicians were all represented. Is that a Kotter sign I see?

Some folks found a perfect vantage point to look down on the parade. It wasn't such a good spot for catching candy that was thrown though, as everything thrown up to them landed on the ledge below them were nobody could get to it.

This group had a unique feature....identical noses and glasses. Look at those eyebrows!

Even the local mortuary showed up with a fancy hearse from the past.

There is such a thing as a high school tractor team?

Box Elder High School band uniforms have changed a lot since the days my mother marched in the parade and complained of how hot the uniforms were.

Comment from the little girl in front of us: "Look Mommy! A pink potty!"

The meeting of the rails at Promontory was featured in several floats.

Even the letter carriers had a band.

The cub scouts marched proudly.

There was also a host of local dignitaries.

Who IS that on top of that fire truck with the white shirts and black badges!?

All in all, a fun parade to watch and great Saturday entertainment!
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