Friday, October 29, 2010

The 'Bye-bye' Game

Some years ago one of our young grandsons delighted in the game of shutting himself in a dark closet and then jumping out to surprise people. Now, his young sister seems to have developed the same game. Could it be heredity? At Great-grandma's house is an enticing pantry closet. It is a step up from the rest of the kitchen, which means that from inside, even a short person can reach the doorknob!

She waits patiently for someone to open the closet to get something, then scrambles inside, shouts 'bye-bye' and shuts the door. Of course, the best part is popping out to greet everyone outside the door. I think she could play it for hours. I KNOW she can outlast me!

IMG_0003.jpg picture by nali49


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