Saturday, February 19, 2011

Medieval Times

We like to dress up and play like we live in a different time. That's why the neighbors often see us heading off in our pioneer clothes, but the experience we had the other night was different even for us. Alas...we did not have medieval clothing, though that would have been fun. We DID get festive crowns to wear though.

We roamed around the castle for a goodly amount of time, looking at all the medieval bling to be had for mere money.

Some of the king's horses were also on display to be viewed by guests at the castle. Most of them were Andalusians, raised on a special ranch in Texas. They are the king's horses, but also the horses of kings.

Before the feast began, the heralds called everyone to witness a knighting ceremony.

At last it was time for all to be admitted to the great hall for the feast. Groups were called to their seats by the color of their hats. Blue, yellow, green, yellow and red, and black and white were all called...leaving red for last. We had been given our table assignment when we entered the castle, so when red was at last called, we found our way to our table where we met the serving wench who was to bring us our dinner. Each place was set with a pewter plate, a pewter mug and a pewter handled soup bowl. (Hot soup in a pewter bowl is difficult to drink, as not only is the soup hot, but it heats the metal of the bowl, which is NOT a happy thing for the lips!)
Eating utensils were nowhere to be found. Once the soup was poured into the bowls, the festivities began.

As we watched, the meal was served and we ate...with our fingers since nothing else was available. Our serving wench told us that one delicacy we were given was half of a baby dragon!

A story of perfidy quickly unfolded before our eyes as a 6 of the king's knights took part in contests of skill and daring. Each knight represented one of the colors of the hats. So for our part, we cheered madly whenever the brave red knight performed.

At the very end, when all seemed lost, our brave red knight saved the day!


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