The cub scouts were all required to make tool boxes. When it was time for them to make their boxes, the little girl's grandpa helped by cutting out the boards so they would be ready for the cub scouts to make into tool boxes. Just in case a new cub scout came along, the grandpa made an extra kit. The little girl thought for sure that her grandpa made that extra kit for her. The cub scouts learned to use various tools and worked hard to make their boxes, but sadly for the little girl, there was a new cub scout, so the kit she thought was hers, was given to the new scout.
After some time passed, the little girl's grandpa heard how badly she wanted a real tool box of her own. She could use it for her tools, and to carry toys, and to make into a dolly bed, so since it was almost time for her birthday, he decided to make her a tool box of her very own. Just to make sure that the cub scouts wouldn't want to use her box, he painted it pink and decorated it with ladybugs. Then he made special tools for the toolbox....a bowl, biscuit cutter, a little rolling pin and some other wooden kitchen tools. Then her grandma made a special little apron just her size.
They wrapped that box full of kitchen tools and gave it to the little girl for her birthday, and that very night, she got to help her mom roll out the dough and make the breadsticks for their supper.
Happy Day!
She loves it all so much! TOnight she stirred corn on the stove for 20 minutes. (I may have forgotten to turn on the stove, shhhh!) with her fancy stirring spoon.
She was quite filled with pride to inform her dad that she made that corn. ;D
That turned out so amazing! Love it!I know where to go when Tia turns 6,ha ha!
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