Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Springtime in the Rockies?

Yesterday the weather was odd. In fact our whole Spring so far has been oddly cool and wet. There have been a few warm and sunny days, but it seems every couple of days, another storm comes in. Yesterday was noteworthy even this year. As we turned on the radio when we woke up, we heard of snow in some of the canyon areas and even some of the towns south of us. As we are usually cooler than down south, we expected the worst. With a school group coming to visit, we dressed for bad weather.

The storm seemed to be moving from south to north, so we expected the worst. It rained all the way to work and stopped just as we arrived. Luckily for us...and the visitors, rain didn't begin again until the kids got back on their bus.

The clouds stayed draped over the nearby mountains, lifting once in a while to show us glimpses of the descending snowline. Fortunately for us, the snow never reached the valley floor.

IMG_5264.jpg picture by nali49

IMG_5265.jpg picture by nali49

IMG_5266.jpg picture by nali49

IMG_5267.jpg picture by nali49

IMG_5268.jpg picture by nali49

IMG_5269.jpg picture by nali49

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